Blissfield High School seniors Tyler Fall and Madeline Auth were the individual winners of the Hot-Cha-Cha Mug 5K Run Friday evening.
More than 130 people from 9 to 83 ran in the fourth annual event in Blissfield held in conjunction with the Blissfield Wassail Fest.
Division Winners: Male Overall Winner Tyler Fall 20:06
6-12 1. Christian Fischer 21:05 2. William Marks 25:00
13-20 1. Eric Alexander 20:12 2. Sean Newlin 21:38
21-35 1. Scott Linden 23:00 2. Evan Bruneau 26:44
36-49 1. Brian Weidmayer 20:15 2. James Bockey 21:13
50-59 1. Edgar Rapp 21:20 2. Larry Dilabbio 22:58
60-69 1. Edward O’Reilly 25:15 2 Larry Griffith 33:39
70+ 1. Jerome Tomc 35:43 2. Harrison Hensley 39:21 who was running his 100th race of the season at age 83.
Female Overall Winner: Madeline Auth 21:04
6-12 1. Mari Cueto 26:10 2. Amelia Fowler 34:32
13-20 1. Sarah Weidmayer 22:56 2. Fiona Brown 23:45
21-35 1. Heather Wells 23:19 2. Amy Carmichael 25:17
36-49 1. Josephine Weeden 21:16 2. Jennifer Varanian 22:57
50-59 1. Deborah Schmidt 23:33 2. Melody Carmichael 23:52
60-69 1. Deborah Arnold 37:16 2. Linda Baker 37:30
70+ 1. Mary Steinhauser 39:22