Blissfield names varsity football coach

Blissfield High School athletic director Steve Babbitt has announced that Adam Schiermyer is taking the reins of the Blissfield Varsity Football program.

Schiermyer, a high school physical education teacher  and head football coach at Bradshaw Mountain High School in Prescott Valley, Arizona, said he is excited to be returning to Lenawee County to continue his teaching and coaching career, Babbitt said. A graduate of Adrian College, he majored in physical education and played both football and baseball.

After receiving his degree, Schiermyer attended the United States Sports Academy, where he earned his masters of sport science degree in 2003. Before serving as head football coach at Bradshaw Mountain, he had been a teacher and assistant football coach at Perry High School in Gilbert, Arizona, for six years, and at Highland High School, also in Gilbert, for two years.

Babbitt said the new coach will move to the area after Memorial Day weekend, once school ends in his current district. He has “plans of being actively visable before our school year ends here in Blissfield,” Babbitt reported on the Blissfield Community Schools website.

He will arrive in Blissfield with big shoes to fill; those of Ron Estes, who stepped down after this past season after racking up an impressive run at the Royals’ helm, including the runner-up spot to the state championship a few years ago when Blissfield emptied out to follow their Royals to Ford Field.

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