Blissfield schools to fence-in buses

By Chad Hutchinson

Security and safety issues regarding Blissfield school buses was a driving force behind discussions at the March 18 meeting of the Blissfield Board of Education meeting.

District operations director Michael Reinhardt updated the board on the pursuit of bids for fencing to be placed around the buses at the garage located behind the high school. Reinhardt said 10 sealed bids were received from around the state. He said the bids ranged in cost from $30,000 to $19,900. Reinhardt recommended the acceptance of a bid of $19,926.14 from Adrian/Tecumseh Fencing.

Several members of the board acknowledged the need for the fences, and also their disappointment for it.

“We’ve had enough incidents that it’s become a risk for the buses. It’s become a safety issue. It’s unfortunate, but necessary,” trustee Scott Abbott said. The board approved the acceptance of the bid from Adrian/Tecumseh Fencing.

Copyright 2013, River Raisin Publications, Inc. For the complete story on the March Blissfield Board of Education meeting, please see the March 27 edition of The Advance.

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