Flooding fills Blissfield parks, basements

A minor flood experienced in the area late last week dissipated over the weekend. The River Raisin crested at 1.19 feet over flood stage (683 feet) n Blissfield. Water filled Bachmayer and Ellis parks, and some basements in low-lying areas.
Technically, the area is still the Cottonwood Swamp and when snow melts and rains are heavy, the land soaks up the water. During the late winter when frost is in the ground, it takes a little more time for the water to be absorbed. What can’t be readily absorbed pools into lakes and drains into the River Raisin.
Along with that water, more water from the melted snow and rain from the west, the river can overflow its banks this time of year.

For the rest of this story, please see the Feb. 28, 2018, edition of The ADVANCE on newsstands now. To subscribe for home delivery, please call 517-486-2400.

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