Pipeline project possible in Ogden Township

OGDEN — Representatives from DTE Energy Detroit and Spectra Energy were met with some opposition Tuesday, Sept. 9 at the Ogden Township meeting.

The proposed plan by the energy representatives unveiled an in-the-works project to create an extension of natural gas transmission pipelines to be placed in the township near Thompson and Loar highways.

Existing natural gas transmissions currently belong with Texas Eastern Transmission, LP; Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC; the Enbridge Tecumseh storage facility; the Union Gas Limited Dawn Hub in Ontario; DTE Gas and Consumers Energy in Michigan. The proposed plan for the NEXUS pipeline is to interconnect with these multiple lines, connecting directly with ones already located in eastern Ohio and southeastern Michigan. According to Spectra Energy’s public relations manager Arthur Diestel, the lines of connection would begin in Kennsington Ohio, and span a total of 250 miles until it reaches its termination at Willow Run.

Ogden resident Gail Northcott stated her opinion that living near a gas line will amount to a daily danger. “If you’re living next to a gas line, you are in danger,” she said.

Ogden Township Trustee Eric Martis spoke first for the board in response to the pipeline presentation. Martis said the project seems very similar to the one the township faced with the emerging wind turbine propositions. Martis said the wind developers were faced with resistance from township residents being too close to their lifestyle. Martis added the natural gas production should not be used in Ohio and funneled into Michigan, but instead should be completely generated and produced in the state.

DTE Energy’s manager of natural gas analytics, Steve Hohf, assured Martis and audience members the project would increase Michigan’s amount of renewable energy. He added the project shall also increase jobs during the production, tax bases in Ohio and Michigan and tax dollars can be funneled in to assist local schools, emergency services and infrastructure projects.

Despite the listed benefits from the project, Trustee Mark Vandenbusche said the project is another way for the local farmer to be pushed around.

“Why aren’t we using right-of-way highways instead of intruding on area farmers’ land?” Vandenbusche questioned.

Diestel responded, saying the project is still in its early stages and no single location for the line has been set in stone.

For Brad Heineman’s complete story on the meeting and project, please see the Sept. 17, 2014, edition of The Advance on newsstands now. To subscribe for weekly delivery, just call 517-486-2400!

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