A prefiling application has been made and approved by the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission in regards to the potential construction of the Nexus Pipeline that could traverse eastern Lenawee County.
A prefiling application filed with the federal agency Dec. 30 was approved Jan. 9.
Arthur Diestel, spokesperson for the Nexus Pipeline said this is not the official application but it does open the door to allow landowners, government officials and other stakeholders to voice concerns before the final application is made later this year.
The natural gas pipeline would begin in Kensington, Ohio, and span 250 miles across Ohio and Michigan and connect into the DTE Energy system, he said.
A separate pipeline preapplication filing was made earlier in December by the Rover Pipeline that could also connect the Marcellus shale region to Michigan and Canada.
Now with the pre-application in place, Diestel said the company is in the process of establishing more public open houses. During this phase the pipeline company will also be able to survey ground.
For the complete story, please see the Jan. 14, 2015, edition of The Advance, copyright River Raisin Publications, Inc., 2015.