By Melissa Burnor
Deerfield Township will get a boost to its tax rolls in December. The completion of the ITC Transmission’s Morocco substation last December with a stated cash value of $25 million resulted in a large increase in the personal property value for the township.
The substation’s taxable value in December will be about $11.5 million, township assessor Chris Renius said. That translates into approximately $11,500 per mill. This is above the taxes assessed on the land where the substation now stands.
The substation is also subject to the 18-mill non-homestead tax. This will bring in about $200,000 for the schools. Although it does not mean additional monies, it does mean that Britton Deerfield Schools will get the money directly before the state aid formula payment.
For the complete story, please see the March 2, 2016, on newsstands now. Copyright River Raisin Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.