Johnson to become Blissfield superintendent

Blissfield High School Principal Jerry Johnson was approved in a unanimous 7-0 board decision during the Monday night, Feb. 16, Blissfield Board of Education meeting to be named as the Blissfield district’s next superintendent. The position of superintendent would begin July 1 officially.
Johnson was one of three candidates who interviewed for the interim superintendent position last summer after the board of education voted not to renew its contract with former Superintendent Scott Moellenberndt. Along with Johnson at last summer’s interview were former Pittsford Superintendent Andrew Shaw and current Blissfield Interim Superintendent David Pray.
Pray’s interim contract with the district expires this July.
President Dave Brewer motioned to approve Johnson as Blissfield’s next superintendent to begin July 1 and run for a two-year contract term with salary and an immediate title change to assistant superintendent now, and then superintendent come July.

For Brad Heineman’s complete story of the process leading to the decision, please pick up a copy of The Advance, Feb. 18, edition.

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