Standing water, rainfall and warming temperatures have led the Lenawee County Sheriff’s Office, in conjunction with Lenawee County Emergency Management and the Lenawee County Road Commission, to issue a traveler’s advisory for Lenawee County. With warming temperatures and rainfall, many county roads already have areas of standing high water over the roadway. Some could become impassable because of the high water.
According to the press release, it is impossible for the road commission to place signage on every road that may have areas of high water. The press release said motorists should detour around those flooded areas.
“Do not risk getting stranded in high water.”
The press release said these conditions could continue for several days.
“Citizens should also pay attention to the temperatures as they fluctuate over the next few days.”
Below freezing temperatures combined with water on the roads can create hazardous driving conditions
Jason Schnaidt, operations manager of the Lenawee County Road Commission, said he did not know of any roads impassable as of 3:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon.
Road commission crews were working Thursday to get snow cleaned off of bridges.
Schnaidt also anticipated keeping some employees working later Thursday to take care of low spots in the road by digging trenches in the snow allowing water to drain.
Jim Wonacott said the village of Blissfield Department of Public Works was busy Thursday clearing out catch basins to allow rain water and melting snow to drain.
“We have had no real problems,” he said.
Temperatures were expected to dip back down below freezing which local officials agreed is a good thing to slow down the melting snow.