Blissfield to survey residents, businesses on wants, needs

By Melissa Burnor

Should the village of Blissfield continue sidewalk snow removal? If village residents have an opinion on the issue along with several others, they might consider completing a survey the village will be sending to them soon. According to Village Administrator James Wonacott, a citizen and a business survey should be sent out within a week.
The two separate surveys, approved by both the planning commission and the village, ask for input as the village works to update its comprehensive plan that expires in November 2017.
Citizens will get a chance to rate village services from street maintenance to curbside recycling and police services. The citizen survey also asks how often residents useĀ  facilities such as parks, picnic shelters, library, swimming pool and the village office
Business owners surveyed will also get an opportunity to rate village services and will be asked about snow removal and some other questions that would identify things the village could do to support business and future business development.

For the complete story, please see the Feb. 17, 2016, edition of The Advance. For at-home weekly delivery, just call 517-486-2400.

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