UPDATE: 10:32 p.m.
The Blissfield Royals waited for two hours Thursday night at the Clinton football field until the threshold passed due to lightning and thunder delays. However, at 9 p.m., it was announced that the game – which was never played – was delayed until 7 p.m. Friday night.
The Madison/Onsted game was rescheduled at 10:31 p.m. and will resume at 6 p.m. Friday at Madison. This game had been suspended prior to halftime when the score stood knotted at 7-7.
For the second year in a row, the Patriot and Viking contest will roll over into a second day. Officials suspended the football game until noon Friday at Dundee. After playing nearly a complete quarter, Dundee had a slight 2-0 lead over Britton Deerfield.
Whiteford won, defeating Erie-Mason 38-6. The game was called on account of weather with 5:26 left in the first half. The Bobcats are now 2-0.