Lenawee County mental health services available during Covid-19 crisis

ADRIAN, MI – The Lenawee Community Mental Health Authority has reduced face-to-face contacts. Those who are in need of services, are asked to call the office at (517) 263-8905 or (800) 664-5005. An access clinician will conduct a screening to determine if the caller needs to be seen face-to-face. Most business, including assessments and some crises, can be handled over the phone or video, according to Executive Director Kathryn Szewczuk. For those who are unable to call or need to be seen face-to-ace, a health screening andnecessary precautions will be taken prior to the appointment.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is understandably creating an increase in anxiety and fear. This is a normal reaction to a worldwide crisis,” Szewczuk said in a news release distributed by Lenawee County. “We are here to help. Beginning Monday, March 23, we will be offering community groups to help you cope with the stress and anxiety. These groups are conducted via Zoom by a Master’s level clinician. They will be held every day at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. You can join the group by going to our Facebook page or our website at www.lcmha.org (click on the Coronavirus link). You can join by computer or phone.”
She added that staff is still available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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